"The arms that you wield now are not such as your forefathers wielded; but they are infinitely more effective, and infinitely more irresistable" ~ Cymru Fydd leaflet, 1890

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Caeredin / Edinburgh 2013

Edinburgh hosted the 2013 independence march and rally on Saturday 21st September. I was at home but it was great to see so many pictures of Welsh flags shared online amongst the assortment of flags from Scotland and other nations in attendance.

Here are some that I have collected from around the web, I have reduced the picture and file size in almost all cases but each has a credit link back to the original source, if you want to share any then please click through to the original and share that way.

Côr dre via @menna
Where's Walesy? Oh there he is - Wings over Scotland
Côr dre via @menna

What's brown and sticky? A flagpole! - @duckfundee
Côr dre via @menna
Côr dre
If you have seen or taken any more please post a link in the comments below.

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