Today saw the rally in support for an independent Scotland in Cardiff. There was also
another rally in Cardiff last month. That one was for Dan Snow. The London born historian had organised a rag tag bunch of millionaires, most with letters from Betty after their name to sign a declaration that the Scots should not be sovereign. Today's rally was organised by '
Go for it Scotland', a grass roots movement of people from Wales.
There is a slight difference, you may have to squint to see it. |
I caught a bus up to Cardiff that was organised by the 'Go for it Scotland' team. After sitting down the guy in front introduced himself, it was
Cneifwr. Had a good chat on the way there about this and that.
When I got to Cardiff we parked opposite Plas Dahl. Had a quick chat with a Welsh girl who was hoping Scotland would vote no. We were stood at the lights waiting to cross and she saw my flags and started the conversation. It was a pleasant chat and the good thing is that people are talking about it.
September 13th is Roald Dahl's birthday so I wanted to pop over to take a picture of the plaque. It's by the footbridge at the sea end of Plas Dahl. Whilst there a young couple were also taking a pic so I told them it was his birthday today and they looked at me like I had three heads. Why take the picture if you don't care?
In fairness they did look a bit younger than me and probably didn't have a library next to their primary school that had every Dahl book.
From there I went across to the Senedd and was pleasantly surprised by the turn out. By the time the rally kicked off there must have been over 400* people there. Over 400* people in Wales got off their arse to attend a rally about politics. It's incredible.
I chatted with a guy from Breton, he had the accent and everything even though his name was Iestyn! He was over on holiday and stopped off on his way to Scotland. I joked that there'd be more tractors and things on fire if it was back in Breton.
There were a number of speakers, Pol Wong from Wrecsam spoke well,
Joanna Lumley Pippa Bartoletti the Green Queen said lots of things about Scotland which she doesn't support happening in Wales,
Amy Kitcher (who was a Yellow Tory until she saw the light) was very good. A few others whose names I can't remember and the headline act was, of course, Leanne Wood. Leanne spoke well, the highlight being that on September 18th the people of Scotland would be sovereign and will have the chance to decide whether they want to be sovereign everyday from then on or not.
It's a no brainer really. I took a number of pictures, you can see them all
here. The event was also filmed by the organisers and can be viewed
*The 400 is a very conservative guess, I have no idea. I've seen all sorts of figures online from 500,600, even 700+. Have a look at the pictures I took and make your own mind up.