"The arms that you wield now are not such as your forefathers wielded; but they are infinitely more effective, and infinitely more irresistable" ~ Cymru Fydd leaflet, 1890

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Scumbag Labour - 10 months and counting

Last month I congratulated Labour on going a whole 9 months without hitting ambulance response time targets. Another month has gone by and they've failed to hit the target yet again. This makes it 10 months without hitting the target. If that was on a videprinter it would have (ten) after it so that people knew it wasn't a mistake and the scoreline really is that bad.
10 months and counting. Share via twitter | facebook

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Penybanc Protest

Saturday 20th April saw the Penybanc residents protest the plans to decimate their village with 289 new houses in order to meet the so called demand set out by the Labour run Welsh Government and aided by the Labour run Carmarthenshire County Council.
Cymdeithas banner - Share via twitter | facebook

Friday, 12 April 2013

‘Obituary Tributes to Baroness Thatcher’

On tuesday the 16th of April the Senedd timetable has the following item scheduled. ‘Obituary Tributes to Baroness Thatcher’. I know this because the Senedd petitions clerk told me after I had submitted a petition calling on the Senedd to not give this vile woman a minute of their time, let alone a minutes worth of silence.
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Monday, 8 April 2013

Tribute to Thatcher.

As the news broke today I instinctively let out an incredibly loud and long YES in celebration. I punched the air with both hands and laughed. Thatcher was finally dead. Part of me then felt a little sad that she wouldn't be around long enough to see the break up of this sham union. At this point, in case you hadn't already worked it out, this is going to be the tribute she deserves. If you want a more PC tribute then please see Owens.
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Sunday, 7 April 2013

If you tolerate this...

The Scotland on Sunday newspaper has, for some unknown reason, decided to photoshop a swastika onto a saltire and then use it as a front page photo. The original picture was taken as a homage to the iconic Iwo Jima photo. But this Tory owned BritNat propaganda rag has decided that people who want their country ruled by their own people are nazis.
Pic from the Scotland on Sunday. Share via twitter | facebook

Saturday, 6 April 2013

The alternative Grand National

Today marks the running of the first ever @WelshnotBritish alternative Grand National. I advertised the sweep via twitter and all 40 entries have now been filled.
Horse Death Watch

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Queen of the benefits scroungers

Today it has been revealed that the worlds biggest benefits scrounger is to have her dole money increased. That's right, Betty Windsor Saxaphone Gotham or whatever her families name used to be before they 'went native' and 'apples and pairs' is getting even more money on top of the grossly offensive dole money she already gets.
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Monday, 1 April 2013

On this day in Wales - April

April 1st