"The arms that you wield now are not such as your forefathers wielded; but they are infinitely more effective, and infinitely more irresistable" ~ Cymru Fydd leaflet, 1890

Monday, 8 April 2013

Tribute to Thatcher.

As the news broke today I instinctively let out an incredibly loud and long YES in celebration. I punched the air with both hands and laughed. Thatcher was finally dead. Part of me then felt a little sad that she wouldn't be around long enough to see the break up of this sham union. At this point, in case you hadn't already worked it out, this is going to be the tribute she deserves. If you want a more PC tribute then please see Owens.
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Firstly I must apologise for the poor quality of this image, I created it on my phone over lunch whilst at work. I wasn't sure it would go down well but it proved popular, especially so on facebook. By the time I got home from work it had been shared over 200 times. This was a vile woman, hated by millions.

In the car on the way home I listened to Radio Wales who were interviewing Cheryl Gillan and some other Tory. She was telling us how great a person Thatcher was. How she made Wales a better place, it was a fantastic interview. Apart from the fact that it was all lies. She was a vile woman, hated by millions!

A bit later when I was at home I cranked the volume to 11, sipped some milk and listened to some old Green Day, don't worry, it's from before they sold themselves out harder than the red tories in the Labour Party. I then looked on the BBC website and saw the coverage Thatcher was getting, it was wall to wall. I looked on the Scottish version and amazingly it was as if nothing had happened. Apart from a tiny mention. It's almost as if the BBC in Scotland knew that running all those Thatcher stories would be a bad idea.
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I then looked around the internet and saw that there were street parties in Brixton and Glasgow. I wonder how these will be reported? Hopefully with the same zest that the BBC reported the jubilee street parties. I wont hold my breath. Shame really because she was a vile woman, hated by millions. But the BritNat propaganda machine will not tell us what we want to hear.

I then thought about poor old Kim Jong Un, I've been making pictures of his gloriousness all week and was planning on putting together a post to share them on here. But instead I'm writing about Thatcher.
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Then I saw that the Guardian were running a poll asking whether Thatcher should receive a state funeral. As excited at the prospect of a day off so that I could celebrate her death and mourn the time she was alive I voted no. Along with 84% of the people who had already voted.

A new page appeared on facebook called "No to a minutes silence to Thatcher in the Senedd!". I don't know who is behind the page but they think the Tories will lead the call for the minutes silence. I think they'll be beaten to that by Carwyn and his red tory buddies in Labour. Which got me thinking about how their next meeting would go.
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And then I saw this video. It's quite possibly the greatest chant at a football game I've ever heard. Well it's certainly the next best chant after "shoes off, if you love Wales" anyway. It was sung at a Liverpool game a few days after the Hilsborough files were released in September 2012. The ones where it showed the police had covered up their part in the tragedy.

Another picture was posted, I didn't add a caption to the picture because it doesn't need one. The sight of them both together. At an NSPCC event is haunting. It almost makes me wish I was religious because at least then I could be satisfied that she would rot in hell.
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The rumours, the whispering, the accusations. She helped cover up Hilsborough, what did she know about Sir James Wilson Vincent Savile OBE KCSG? Which led me to think of another cute couple and the sudden realisation that if I was religious and if there was a hell, she'd try and take the bloody place over!
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Satan might have an uneasy night but millions of us will sleep easy tonight knowing that Thatcher is gone, of course her legacy will be around forever and the only way of protecting ourselves from the right wing English Thatcherite politicians is by freeing ourselves from them once and for all. But, on the off chance that zombies are real. I know a guy who'll keep us safe.
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  1. I wonder if the Football League will instruct clubs to have a minutes silence like they do when a royal snuffs it.

    Cardiff v Scabby Nottingham Forest Saturday would be perfect.

    1. I don't think they'd be that stupid. Be fun to hear the booing though.

  2. I wouldnt normally feel happy at someone dying - but in this case I will make an exception.

    But you wait until she tries to privatize hell...

  3. There are quite a few politicians I dont like - from all main parties. But there is only one that I have ever despised and detested. May she rot in hell.


  4. Hmm .... seems to me the glee at an old woman's death is a reflection of personal failures and psychological problems more than anything else.

    1. Age has nothing to do with what she did and what she represents.
