"The arms that you wield now are not such as your forefathers wielded; but they are infinitely more effective, and infinitely more irresistable" ~ Cymru Fydd leaflet, 1890

Sunday, 3 August 2014

NATO propaganda video

With the impending NATO summit coming to Newport the US Embassy in London has created a propaganda video detailing how Wales and people of Welsh descent have helped build and shape the USA.
It's your usual mix of facts, the majority of which are the sort I share on facebook and twitter as part of my daily facts complete with a rather good and very eclectic sound track of 18 Welsh artists. Even if some of them have succumbed to the trappings of The Empire.

If you are unable to view the video or would rather watch it on youtube then click here. Possibly the only fact I wasn't personally aware of was that three Welsh women have topped the US charts. I didn't even know that Donna Lewis was a Cymraes although her debut album being called 'Now in a Minute' should be a big clue. The video itself is very good and at such a brisk pace it should keep people interested for the full five and a bit minutes but it does leave one very big question. Why can't we do these things for our own nation?
There are those who will continue to tell us we are too small, too poor and too Welsh to be a proper country and free ourselves from colonialism just as the Welsh-Americans once did. But this video, rather than being a propaganda video for NATO could just as easily be used by Wales to show the world just a snapshot of what our small nation has accomplished. It does also gloss over the reason why so many people in the USA have Welsh surnames. One of the main reasons is not something we should be proud of as it's because slaves used to take their masters surnames.

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